For organic and conventional growing different fertilizer formulas are possible. These NPK-fertilizers provide the substrate with a basic nutritional buffer from which nutrients are continuously released. The product choice depends on the NPK and period of action needed by the crop, but can also be adapted in proportion to the concentrations contained in the raw materials that have been used to produce the substrate. DCM organic NPK-fertilizers in MINIGRAN® can be mutually combined, but can also be used in combination with other products (soil improvers, … ). Ask for our specific advice via our contact form.
DCM MINIGRAN® fertilization NPK incorperated
PG-MIX + WSF (standard)
"Having DCM Minigran Pure-O Platinum incorporated into our substrate has considerably improved rooting across all our crops. I believe giving plants balanced organic nutrition in the early stages of root development is vital to overall plant health"
Richard Nuttal, MCIHort Crop Protection Manager, Viking Nurseries Ltd
Get in touch with one of our experts:
Business Development Manager Horticulture
M. +13146165294