Growing media

Conventional and Organic Growing with Different Fertilizer Formulas

Whether you are a conventional or organic grower, you will find the right fertilizers for your crop in our DCM USA product range.  Which formula is best, depends on the NPK your crop neds and the desired period of action.  Our organic fertilizers can be used together, but can also be combinted with other products, mineral fertilizers and soil improvers.  Ask for our specific advice via our contact form.

DCM Minigran Pure-O Green OMRI listed products
DCM Minigran Pure-O Green

100% organic nitrogen-rich formula

DCM Minigran Pure-O Platinum OMRI listed products
DCM Minigran Pure-O Platinum

100% organic long lasting formula

DCM MINIGRAN® a perfectly mixable grain through the substrate!

DCM MINIGRAN® fertilization NPK incorperated

PG-MIX + WSF (standard)

Viking Nurseries - Trial

"Having DCM Minigran Pure-O Platinum incorporated into our substrate has considerably improved rooting across all our crops. I believe giving plants balanced organic nutrition in the early stages of root development is vital to overall plant health"

Richard Nuttal, MCIHort Crop Protection Manager, Viking Nurseries Ltd

Want tailor-made advice for your turf or horticulture business?

Get in touch with one of our experts:

Gary McCulla

Business Development Manager Turf
M. +15042014121

Richard Reineke

Business Development Manager Horticulture
M. +13146165294